In the era of dynamic e-commerce development, the effectiveness of online store sales becomes a key element of success for any online business. Faced with growing competition, store owners must constantly look for new ways to attract customers, increase conversions, and maximize cart value. Understanding which strategies and tools can help achieve these goals is essential. Whether you’re just starting your e-commerce journey or looking for new ways to grow an existing business, this article provides valuable information and practical tips to help you succeed.


1. Effective online store advertising


Using Google Ads for maximum visibility

Google Ads remains one of the most important advertising tools for online stores. In 2024, success in Google Ads campaigns requires a strategic approach and continuous optimization. Defining the campaign goals, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or direct sales, is critical. Choosing the right keywords is fundamental to the campaign’s effectiveness. Tools like Google Keyword Planner help find high-potential phrases, including both broad and long-tail keywords that better match user intent.

Creating engaging ad content is equally important. Ad texts must grab attention and be precisely tailored to the audience’s needs. Optimizing landing pages regarding loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and alignment with the ad content is crucial for conversions. The more consistent the ad and landing page content is, the more likely the user will purchase.


What are the benefits of remarketing for an online store?

Remarketing is another precious tool that allows you to re-engage customers who visited your store but did not make a purchase. In 2024, remarketing becomes even more precise thanks to advanced audience segmentation tools. Based on user behaviour data, this segmentation allows for creating personalized ads that are more effective in convincing customers to return and complete a purchase. Well-planned remarketing campaigns can significantly increase conversions by reminding customers of products they viewed earlier or offering them special discounts on those products. Adapting remarketing messages to user behavior is key to success in this strategy.


2. Increase store visibility in search engines


SEO: Optimize your online store for better ranking and increased sales

Visibility is one of the most critical factors affecting success in e-commerce. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the key to achieving higher rankings in Google search results. To succeed in search engines, online stores need to focus on several key areas.

  • Keyword research focuses on identifying high-purchase-intent phrases that bring the most benefits. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs help analyze competitors and discover new keywords,
  • Site architecture optimization includes simplifying navigation and adding breadcrumbs, making it easier for both users and search engines to navigate the site​,
  • Technical SEO optimization involves key actions such as improving loading speed, optimizing for mobile devices, and implementing schema markup to help search engines better index the site,
  • Link building focuses on acquiring natural, high-quality links through collaborations with influencers, guest posting, and creating valuable resources.

These elements combine to form a cohesive SEO strategy that improves search engine visibility and attracts valuable traffic, leading to higher conversions. E-commerce SEO optimization is a continuous process that requires constant monitoring, analysis, and adaptation of strategies to changing search engine algorithms and market trends.


Content Marketing as SEO Support

Content marketing is an indispensable support for SEO activities. Creating valuable content, such as blogs, guides, or detailed product descriptions, increases organic traffic and builds trust in the brand. An example might be a store that regularly publishes how-to articles related to the industry, attracting users looking not only for products but also for knowledge.

3. Improving User Experience – The aesthetics of your online store


User Experience (UX): Optimizing Your Online Store

User Experience (UX) is one of the most important factors determining whether a visitor turns into a buyer. Intuitive navigation, fast page loading times, and mobile device optimization are key elements that can significantly impact purchasing decisions. In e-commerce, every second of page loading delay can result in a customer’s loss, so it’s important to focus on optimizing images, using modern technologies like CDN (Content Delivery Network), and regularly testing page speed.

Equally important is clear navigation. Intuitive menus, easy-to-find products, and effective search tools make navigating the site easier and reduce user frustration.


Website Audit

Optimizing the purchasing process involves identifying and removing obstacles that may discourage users from completing their purchases. UX analysis tools like heatmaps and A/B testing allow for a detailed understanding of which elements of the site work and which need improvement. These tools let you experiment and discover the best optimization solutions.


Read also: M-commerce and UX – how to optimize an online shop in a mobile commerce world?

4. Mobile optimization is a Must-Have!


It’s also essential to consider the growing role of mobile commerce (m-commerce). Already, most online purchases are made on mobile devices, and this trend will only intensify by 2025. Therefore, optimizing websites and apps for mobile devices will become an indispensable element of a sales strategy.

Mobile optimization means the site must be responsive and easy to navigate on small screens. Introducing a mobile-friendly design that simplifies browsing the offer and completing purchases can significantly increase conversions.



5. Techniques to Increase Order Value


Cross-Selling and Up-Selling: Intelligent Product Recommendations

Cross-selling involves suggesting complementary or additional products that can enhance the primary purchase. For example, if a customer buys a laptop, offering a bag, mouse, or security software can significantly increase the order value. These products should be closely related to the main purchase and reasonably priced to make customers feel the offer benefits them. These recommendations should be subtle and non-intrusive to avoid discouraging the customer. Implementing cross-selling strategies at key moments in the purchasing journey, such as on the product page or cart, can greatly enhance the effectiveness of these actions.

Up-selling, on the other hand, focuses on encouraging customers to buy a more expensive version of the product they are considering. This strategy is based on presenting the benefits of choosing a higher model, such as better features, higher quality, or additional services. For instance, when a customer selects a basic smartphone model, they could be offered a version with more memory or a better camera. The key to up-selling is to tailor the offer to the customer’s needs and justify it well, increasing its attractiveness. Personalization tools based on analyzing customer behaviour can significantly improve the effectiveness of up-selling by better matching recommendations to individual customer preferences.

Well-designed cross-selling and up-selling strategies increase revenue and improve customer experiences, leading to greater loyalty and more frequent returns to the site. However, it is important not to overwhelm customers with too many recommendations, as excess offers may deter them and negatively impact their shopping experience.


6. Strategies to increase Online Sales


Free Shipping as a Sales Incentive

Free shipping, while costly for the seller, has become almost a standard that customers expect when shopping online. Many companies use different approaches to minimize the costs of offering free shipping, such as raising product prices, setting a minimum order value to qualify for free shipping, or integrating shipping costs into loyalty programs. The key is to find a balance that allows you to cover shipping costs without straining margins or discouraging customers with higher prices.

Free shipping increases cart value and acts as a strong purchase incentive. Offering free shipping on selected products or when the minimum order value is exceeded can encourage customers to add additional items to their cart to take advantage of the promotion. These kinds of promotions can be further strengthened by time-limited offers, which create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make a faster purchase decision.


Time-Limited Promotions and Sustainability

Promotions and special offers are a proven way to attract customers to your store. An effective promotional strategy involves tailoring offers to meet the needs and expectations of customers, as well as regularly introducing new promotions to keep their interest in your offerings. Deals such as “buy one, get one free,” free product samples, or “discount on your next purchase” can significantly boost sales. The variety of available promotions allows companies to align offers with customer needs and business goals. Personalizing promotions based on data analysis of shopping behaviour greatly enhances their effectiveness, leading to higher conversion rates.


7. Building Customer Relationships


Email Marketing: Keeping Constant Contact

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for building customer relationships and encouraging them to return to the site. Success in this area, however, requires precise personalization and audience segmentation. Modern email campaigns use advanced analytical tools to create personalized messages that are closely aligned with customers’ behaviours and preferences. For example, segmenting mailing lists based on previous purchases or online activity allows for sending content that is more likely to convert.


Loyalty Programs: Encouraging Return Visits

Loyalty programs are another tool for effectively retaining customers and encouraging them to make regular purchases. The key to success with loyalty programs is offering attractive benefits to customers. Traditional points-based programs are still popular, but more brands are introducing more advanced models, such as value-based programs that reward customers for actions aligned with the brand’s values, such as supporting environmental initiatives. These programs build deeper connections with customers, making them loyal brand ambassadors.

The effectiveness of loyalty programs should be measured by the number of registered users and, more importantly, by their activity and engagement. Programs that regularly engage customers, remind them of available rewards, and offer various redemption options, including combining points with cash payments, are more successful.

8. Advertising Your Online Store Through Social Media


Social Media Marketing: Let Them Hear About You!

Social media is now one of the most important marketing tools in e-commerce. Success in this area requires brands to have a deeper understanding of rapidly changing trends and the ability to adapt to new technologies and consumer preferences. The key is selecting the right platforms that best match your customer profile. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads — each of these advertising platforms offers opportunities to reach potential customers.

Influencer Marketing for Online Stores: Not Just Big Stars Anymore!

Influencer marketing has gained popularity. This strategy involves working with individuals who strongly influence their community. Influencers can significantly increase brand awareness, especially if you choose people who are authorities in the industry in which you operate. It’s worth noting that influencer marketing is undergoing significant changes. Authenticity and trust are becoming increasingly important. Consumers are more aware and demanding, expecting transparency and honesty from both brands and influencers. Collaborating with influencers with more personal relationships with their followers allows for more effective outreach to niche target groups, translating into higher engagement and conversion rates.

Effective Sales Growth in 2025


In 2025, e-commerce will be driven by several key trends that could significantly impact sales growth. One of the most important will be the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies will allow companies to deliver highly personalized product recommendations, promotional offers, and shopping experiences, which in turn will increase customer engagement and satisfaction.

Another rising trend in 2025 is voice commerce, where consumers use voice assistants to shop online. The increasing popularity of devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home for browsing and purchasing products is a clear indicator of this trend. To meet the evolving needs of customers, companies must adapt their platforms to support voice searches and voice-activated purchases.

Another important aspect will be the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This technology will allow customers to “try on” products in a virtual world or “place” furniture in their homes before making a purchase, increasing their confidence and satisfaction with their choice, while also reducing return rates.




Effective e-commerce strategies in 2025 demand an integrated approach. This approach combines technical optimization, advanced advertising campaigns, and excellent user experience (UX). Key strategies, such as personalized promotions, effective use of social media and influencer marketing, and well-thought-out loyalty programs, not only boost sales but also foster long-term customer loyalty.

If you want your online store to stand out in the market and effectively attract customers, we are here to help. We specialize in creating intuitive online stores with excellent UX and running online advertising campaigns that deliver measurable results. Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business in the world of e-commerce.