Łódzki Klaster ICT

The Lodz ICT Cluster is an institution that supports the integration of the ICT environment in building social awareness of opportunities for education, employment, and subsequent development in the broad field of IT in Łódź.

realizacja Google Ads dla Łódzki Klaster ICT realizacja Google Ads dla Łódzki Klaster ICT

Media4U has been actively supporting the activities of this local institution for years by promoting events such as Łódź IT Days, Join IT, Technology Debates, and Programming Contests. Our joint video campaigns on the YouTube platform have garnered over 200,000 views. Check out Media4U’s joint initiatives with the Lodz ICT Cluster here: www.joinitinlodz.pl


Our collaboration with the Lodz ICT Cluster has been ongoing since 2018. Since then, we have been providing comprehensive support for Meta Ads and Google Ads campaigns. Our joint efforts have aimed to promote both online and offline events and increase market awareness of the Łódź ICT Cluster.

What we did?


We have conducted advertising campaigns on Meta (Facebook) and Google Ads. We support the Łódź ICT Cluster in building its social media presence through awareness and reach campaigns, aimed at acquiring new followers, partners for collaboration, and reaching individuals who directly benefit from the initiatives organized by the ICT Cluster.

Comprehensive campaign support includes:

  • Ad account management
  • Campaign optimization
  • Identifying and analyzing the campaign’s target audience
  • Creating reports
  • Crafting ad content
  • Providing full advisory services
  • Maintaining constant contact with specialists
  • And much more…

We take pride in our partnership with an institution that is vital to the development of Łódź – the city where Media4U is headquartered. We are delighted to support local initiatives and native organizations with the utmost enthusiasm.

We’ve built and effective relationship


Łódzki Klaster ICT

Adam Owczarek

Łódź ICT Cluster Manager

The cluster has been collaborating with Media4U since 2018 in the execution of advertising campaigns on Facebook, Google Ads, and YouTube, and we highly appreciate the level of their efforts. Thanks to the support of Media4U’s specialists, we achieve our established branding goals, effectively reach the target audience of the Łódź ICT Cluster, and increase its engagement. Leveraging their extensive experience, Media4U’s experts assist in selecting the campaign type, target groups, campaign duration, and budget allocation to maximize the cluster’s campaign outcomes. Together, we have successfully promoted initiatives and events such as Łódź IT Days, JoinIT in Łódź, numerous workshops for students, and expert debates. Each time, the campaign results are satisfying, which means that despite our limited budget, we maximize the potential of advertising campaigns.


years of collaboration

approx. 40

advertising campaigns (Meta Ads)

< 600,000

users reached (Meta Ads)

< 200,000

ad views (YouTube)

< 4 mln.

ad views (Meta Ads)