The modern digital market demands agencies establish and maintain lasting client relationships, which are crucial for success. Collaboration in this industry requires not only the application of advanced technology but also the building of stable relationships based on 24/7 support. In this article, we will explore how e-commerce agencies can effectively build and maintain client relationships, emphasising trust-building, crisis management, and continuous improvement of cooperation.


The specifics of working with Clients in the e-commerce industry


The 24/7 operation of online stores is a great advantage for their customers, but it also means constant agency support for the store. In some agencies, customer support operates 24/7, and some interventions occur at unusual hours—at night or on weekends. For this purpose, the technical team schedules shifts and timetables to ensure continuous support for the online store. Additionally, to minimize the risk of failures, agencies provide stable technical solutions, monitoring, and immediate response to unplanned situations.

Following technology trends and resulting modifications is essential, as Tomasz Jakubiak, Customer Service Team Manager, emphasizes:


(…)technology and systems in this industry [eCommerce] must respond to market needs, which change very dynamically. We must also follow trends and new developments to offer them and collaborate on their creation with our clients.


The e-commerce industry, like many other online industries, is characterized by seasonality. Periodic sales increases require intensive work both for stores and for agencies that prepare stores for increased traffic on the site and intervene when necessary.


Building and maintaining long-term Client relationships


The agency and client relationship should be based on mutual trust. The client must be confident that the agency behaves as a partner. An appropriate indicator here is clear and transparent communication, ensuring no information is omitted, even if it is unfavourable for the client.

Good internal communication within the team is also helpful in building client relationships. The message should be consistent so that the client perceives the agency as a competent and engaged partner in their project.

Tomasz Jakubiak adds:

(…) when it comes to maintaining and nurturing relationships, I think it’s worth mentioning not to fall into a routine in our cooperation. Maintain the level of engagement in cooperation with the client, even a long-term client, as if we were just starting (…)


Crisis management


Crises happen even in the best-thought-out projects. It is essential to inform the client immediately about problems. A coherent and specific message about a sudden problem helps manage the situation. In such cases, it is crucial to create a recovery plan in consultation with the client and involve them in the preparation and implementation of actions.


(…) another important element is communicating the status of the action plan that is supposed to lead us to a successful resolution of this problematic situation. The client must be aware that we are addressing the issue, where we stand, and even if there are delays or deadlock situations, it should be clearly communicated according to the agreed plan(…) emphasizes Tomasz Jakubiak.


Planning tasks to be executed is one thing, but deadlines for their completion must also be set. Potential risks resulting from uncompleted tasks should be indicated. The agency also carries out its own plan, so it should regularly and transparently inform the client about progress or delays.




Building and maintaining client relationships in the e-commerce industry requires commitment, transparency, and continuous adaptation to changing market conditions. 24/7 support, effective crisis management, and constant improvement of cooperation form the foundation on which agencies can build client loyalty. Cooperation based on trust and open communication allows not only to survive difficult times but also to grow and achieve long-term success. With such approaches, agencies can become reliable partners for their clients, supporting them in achieving business goals and providing peace of mind in their daily operations.