Do you happen to send a request after which you have yet to receive a response, or do you wait more than 1-2 days for it? As a customer, you have the right to demand to come first. If the agency does not write back, its processes are not working correctly.


What’s more, you may also meet with a lack of contact during the cooperation. Lack of proper communication between the client and the agency may adversely affect the results of marketing activities and future business relationships.

In this post, we will discuss the reasons that negatively affect the quality of customer service in e-commerce agencies. Check what is worth avoiding.


A large number of duties per employee


The economic situation affects the decisions of employers. The costs of maintaining the business and the expectations of employees who want to improve their qualifications are growing.

The current problem on the market is the need for more specialists and their high turnover, which translates into customer relations. The amount of work per employee is so large that it can lead to no response or communication delays.


No processes in the company


The company should have utterly arranged processes that facilitate work and systematize its course.
A lack of accepted customer communication processes and appropriate tools can cause chaos and delays in response.

Agencies should therefore take care of how they will manage customer inquiries. Thanks to this, they will standardize the response time, translating into positive reception and customer satisfaction.

In our company, the customer waits for a response up to eight hours after completing the form on the website. It is important to us to take up each inquiry. The prevailing standard is also instilled at the stage of onboarding the employee so that he knows what rules apply to him in building relations with the client.


Busy schedule


The schedule of an e-commerce agency can be very tight. It comes up that agencies serve several dozen clients simultaneously with various projects and campaigns. Such a large amount of work can cause communication delays. Proper management of time and people in the team is crucial. It allows you to control urgent matters that arise with clients.


Communication failures within the company


Answering a customer’s inquiry must often be consulted with other departments, such as analytical, marketing or IT. If there is no proper flow of information in the company, it is a so-called “bottleneck” that effectively delays action. Meanwhile, customer inquiries will remain unanswered for a long time.

When carrying out many activities, it is good when the company has a designated person to coordinate all projects on time. It will streamline the process of intra-company communication.

In Media4U practice, when preparing i.g. a valuation for an e-commerce project, we appoint a person who coordinates the work of all departments involved. Thanks to that method, we are sure communication errors or delays will cause no problems.


No priorities


Prioritization issues can arise in agencies that still need to establish processes. In this way, clients with a smaller project – and thus – budget, can be pushed to the background, resulting in delayed or no response in general.

Creating multiple teams can be a good solution. In our company, we have dedicated teams working for different clients. Depending on the project, we match a group of specialists who will ultimately implement it until the end of cooperation with a given company.


Assigning duties to inexperienced employees


Often agencies decide to hire juniors and interns. And although it is a good practice, which most often gives young people a chance for development, they should not receive independent, large projects. Each time their tasks should pass the so-called “double-check”.

The work of people who are just starting their professional careers should be controlled because, in the heat of new responsibilities and a large amount of knowledge to be acquired, they may not only make mistakes in the project but also forget, among others, about replying to the customer’s message.




The list of reasons why the marketing agency does not write back can be much longer, but I have listed here the ones that are the most common reason for not contacting.

Regardless of the reasons, a lack of response from the agency is unacceptable.

Clients choosing an agency to cooperate with should pay special attention to contact from the company at the initial stage. If there are already communication problems, they can escalate even more as part of later cooperation.

Take care of your relationship with your client. After all, the success of your business depends on it. Don’t let him wait!

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