
Facts Matter by Power BI

We connect data, analyze it, and draw valuable conclusions for your store.

All your store’s data is in one place!

Discover the benefits

All your store’s data is in one place!

You no longer need to verify multiple files and wonder about the correctness of your conclusions. Our analytical team will hook up your store’s data, which the system, based on the Power BI platform, will process into dashboards concerning orders, returns, payments, customers and products and compare with Google Analytics statistics. Having precise analysis, you will consciously plan business strategies and develop your business faster.

Discover the benefits

  • We provide a ready-made tool with potential for development
  • You have a transparent form of data presentation
  • We draw practical conclusions
  • We customize the product to changing needs
  • You receive dynamically updated reports
  • Thanks to an intuitive tool, you make your work easier

Meeting the needs of…

Sara, 35 years old

E-commerce Manager

In her job, Sara focuses on the nuanced analysis of purchases in the e-store. Constant changes in order status affect the proper drawing of conclusions, which can be challenging with data from many sources.

Until now, Sara has been extracting data from systems: CMS, ERP, and Google Analytics. Now, she would benefit from one tool that covers it all. Thanks to this, she could identify factors shaping the return rate more quickly.

Maciej, 41 years old

Account Director

From meeting to meeting – these words best define Maciej’s daily routine. A tight schedule forces him to work at a high pace. Amid tasks, he must find time to extract data for cyclical management reports. Indeed, a solution that would help save some time would come in handy…

Mateusz, 30 years old

Owner of a small store

Mateusz is a young entrepreneur who recently started running his online store. He focuses on selling personalized clothing. His business is thriving, as confirmed by monthly revenues fluctuating between 6,000 and 8,000 €. He promotes his activity through paid channels on Google and Facebook. Unfortunately, the barrier is Google Analytics, which requires more data for lead analysis in the campaign. Mateusz needs a dedicated tool that will respond to the possibilities of his store.

Kasia, 28 years old

Marketing Manager

Kasia prepares areas for effective marketing communication. For this purpose, she needs data concerning, among others, the effectiveness of content activities and site traffic. Not being a database specialist, she would benefit from using one space containing all the statistics of individual marketing tools.

What data do we collect?


What does implementation look like?

jakie dane łowimy

See how Facts Matter works in practice!

You always benefit

Conscious business




Dedicated solution

for analyzing your store’s data

It’s worth trusting us

Our clients appreciate the effects

Sławomir Nowak


By cooperating with Media4U, we are sure that advertising activities are carried out in accordance with the latest trends in the online advertising market. The agency introduces innovations, such as Performance Max campaigns, which work very well with us, encourage changes and regularly recommend and implements effective actions. Media4U carries out all activities based on web analytics and, thanks to this, based on data, constantly introduces improvements at the level of the whole campaign and monitors the results reacting to undesirable deviations. In addition, cooperation takes place in a pleasant atmosphere and mutual understanding of business. – Sławomir Nowak, Owner Mariall

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Jarosław Szot

E-commerce Director at Monnari Trade S.A.

The Monnari Trade S. A. capital group has been cooperating with Media4U since 2016 in the field of providing e-commerce solutions. In addition to the sales platform for our online stores emonnari. pl and femestage. com, our cooperation also includes advanced logistics, analytical and integration solutions while maintaining practically 100% reliability of the systems. Since the beginning of the partnership, we have been working on the Continuous Improvement model, jointly developing solutions aimed at implementing solutions that continuously improve efficiency, which in turn directly translates into continuous growth of the profitability of the e-commerce channel in Monnari. The key to our successful, long-term cooperation is a permanent, dedicated and very committed team of Media4U specialists. Together, we make every effort to fully understand our projects and their impact on other processes. Thanks to this, design sprints are created and implemented in such a way as to transform ideas into measurable value as effectively as possible. Although cooperation with IT providers always requires a lot of experience and due to its complexity, it is often not easy, I consider Media4U to be a solid, long-term solution provider for medium and large e-commerce projects.

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